Chalk board wall

10/20/2010 05:20:00 PM Ashley 4 Comments

I painted a wall again.

I can't stop myself. I especially can't stop myself when I am up against a deadline. Three days before the baby shower I decided that I needed to paint a wall in our kitchen with chalk board paint.

If you don't know me, I'll let you in on a little secret...I adore chalkboard paint. We used it on our china cabinet when we redid it, but sadly you can't see it because of where we had to place it in our dining room. Plus...painting a wall here would be perfect because the walls are very smooth. This could be one of our only chances to do this.

There were more and more reasons for us (and by us I mean me) to do this. So there I stood in the paint aisle in Home Depot deciding which color chalk board paint to use.

I painted the one solid wall in the kitchen, right next to the back door. I was hoping that if I went with a dark color, that the window in the door and the windows in the kitchen would help keep it bright.


During the day.

Wall at night.

After three days...because that's how long you have to wait. Nate eagerly coated the wall with chalk (yet another step).

I love the wall. Like really...really...really love this wall.

I love that we can use it for to-do lists, grocery lists, dates/schedules, menus and most importantly doodling! We may or may not have colored chalk as well.

Honestly...if you have a wall that you can do this too, then you should. The little kid in me smiles every time I see this.