TRIA (session #5)

3/04/2010 12:57:00 PM Ashley 0 Comments

I am a bad bad bad TRIA user! With the trip to Colorado last week and me getting back into the decorating/cleaning/organizing I totally forgot my TRIA session was today. So now the TRIA is charging and my legs are shaved...which means I also forgot to take pictures.

I'm hanging my head in shame.

I can tell you that if you read my last update with the pictures...that you can go back and look at those and pretend that there are a few less hairs (some of the patches are larger). That's what my legs looked like today.

I'm really hoping that I'm not hitting a wall with the progress. If I have to use it for longer than the magical 9 treatments I will. I just really want it to work. It sounds cliche, but if this does work it really will change my life and the way I have to deal with my skin issues.

I just want to let everyone know who is following these treatments that after today's treatment I am suppose to be going to one treatment a month. Instead of making all of you wonderful readers wait for a whole month for an update, I think I am going to start treating my underarms!


So, look for my underarm treatments to be showing up here soon!

Thanks to everyone who is following these sessions. I love answering your questions, so keep them coming. I'll will try to answer them as best as I can!